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Life Skills education is provided to the adolescent girls and boys to enable them to understand the transition process from childhood to the adult hood, changes-physical, mental and emotional. The importance of taking right decision at the right time with regard to education and career planning is taught to the adolescents. Culture and value in education is promoted at the Secondary school level. The programme aims at strengthening India's rich cultural heritage and tradition so that the children inculcate appropriate cultural and traditional values in developing their personality and career.


There is continued inequality and vulnerability of women in all sectors like, economic, social, political, education, health care and legal. As women are oppressed in all sphere of life, they need to be empowered in all walks of life. Still DRC is implementing vocational training, providing health facilities & various awareness programme to women but plenty of needed area laying untouched for immediate intervention.


Water is an essential prerequisite for development & growth. In fact, all civilizations have evolved around water. However, the poor continue to be the most vulnerable to changes in water resources availability and are the least capable in adopting their livelihood to the changes. They will be the worst victims if an effective solution to water resource management is not found. The organization creates awareness both in the rural and urban area on personal hygiene, appropriate use of safe drinking water and sanitation. The school children are taught about safe storage and use of drinking water. Low cost Latrine is promoted at the household level in Satayabadi Block of Puri District.


The health of the under privileged is gaining attention every where and there is a call for ending poverty & health for all every where. But this mission of development could not be achieved as there was lack of commitment to ensure coordinated efforts of health sector with related of all other sectors of development and their multi level convergence over the space. Looking at the issues DRC has implementing ACSM on TB, TB sensitization meeting for SHG / PRI members, RCH Prog., Awareness prog. On prevention of HIV & AIDS , campaign on Sanitation, Population Control, Leprosy eradication programme,, Pulse Polio programme, Cancer & Malaria awareness, Homeopathic & Ayurvedic treatment & promotion of AYUSH programme in his operational areas. Still effort is going on for increasing the health status of the people.


Land and water are the two basic resources of any nation. Productive land is the sense of human sustenance & security. The future of the country & its teeming millions depend to a large extent on the conservation of land, water & environment. There is no doubt that we have been wasteful in the use of our land & water resources. Extensive deforestation due to increased demand for fuel, timbers & for bringing more land under cultivation are the contributory factors. DRC has aimed at creating environmental awareness amongst school children, women & farmers through various action oriented interventions. All the activities are devised to address the local environmental issues like conservation of forest, control of environment for sustainable agriculture, water conservation etc. and much emphasis will be laid with utmost caution to motivate & derive better citizen’s action & interaction. The involvement & cooperation of the local authorities, rural animators & social workers will be sought at every stage of the campaign.


DRC focused on Micro-Insurance for the common person which provides security within the reach of the poor. DRC organised one workshop on MI at Astaranga. The workshop was conducted with PRI members, SHG members, and general public. The Deputy Manager, Micro-Insurance, LIC Divisional Office, Bhubaneswar was the resource person of this programme. He shared the knowledge about to promote two LIC Micro-insurance products as Jeevan Madhura & Jeevan Mangal among the participants. Till March 2010 DRC insured 554 nos. of policyholders.


DRC was assigned as a programme Partner for carrying out activities under BGREI in Satyabadi block, basically discharging activities in selecting the targeted beneficiaries and Progressive Farmers, motivating the farmers, distributing the inputs among the beneficiaries, Conducting Awareness & Sensitization Programme, Organizing Orientation & Demonstration Activities etc. As a major partner of the BGREI, DRC has been playing as a catalyst in mainstreaming the local farmers into the BGREI programme of which the very objective is to reduce the gap between the actual and potential productivity of rice in the Block and to promote line sowing /planting for overcoming various stresses , harness input use efficiency and scientific crop management for increased production and building capacity of the farmers through the locally available knowledge with provision and initiation of Modern Technology and Scientific Method. DRC as the Implementing Agency on the above programme has been entrusted upon 5nos. Gram Panchayats, 23villages covering 500 hectors under BGREI during Kharif 2013-14 in Satyabdi Block and 5nos. GP , 28 villages covering 500 hectors under BGREI during Rabi 2013-14 in Astaranga Block


DRC is being fortunate participating in SRI as a distinguished partner of DDA, Puri in fulfilling the objectives of Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India. After successful implementation of Kharif -2012 DRC was bestowed upon responsibility organizing SRI in 5nos. GPs of Satyabadi Block under Puri District. A total 362 nos. of farmers of 19 nos. villages of 5nos. GPs. of Satyabadi Block covering 650 Acres of crop land found a massive drive in Line Transplanting. In the above scheme Starting from Selection of beneficiaries to Sample Crop Cutting DRC acted as a Silent Observer facilitating in the whole agricultural development process putting primary focus and priority on community participation.

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